line to add layers along the bottom edge of the haircut. The result
of this variation is a more scene 'fitted' look to the style, and a
softer, rounder scene hairstyle. Check out the pictures of different
scene hair to create your new scene hairstyle.

How To:
Shampoo and condition the hair as needed, towel dry, and comb
out. Once combed to remove tangles, isolate the fringe area of the
Section the hair on the crown, twist it up and clip it in place. Next,
take one-to-one-and-a-half-inch sections of hair sliced at an angle
from the center back of the head to the front, twist and clip them
out of the way as shown. Leave down only the hair at the nape of
the neck.
Comb the hair down and cut a guideline to the desired length.
Then, starting in the center of the neck area by combing a vertical
slice and holding it at an approximately 45-degree elevation (follow
the angle created by placing the comb against the back ofthe head
over the occipital bone) cut the hair along that 45-degree angle and
continue to one side, then the next, working outward from the
Once the nape section is cut, let down the next two sections (one
from each side of the head) and comb them back toward the
cutting angle. Always working outward from the center back, take
slices of hair and cut them at 45-degrees, using the previously cut
sections as a guide.
Repeat this process with the remaining clipped sections until you've
worked your way completely forward to the face. Then comb the
hair down along the sides and trim the bottom edge to even it and
create a clean line.
Beginning once more in the back of the head, comb thin vertical
slices and hold them out at the previous 45-degree angle, then cut
the corners of the slices to blend away the weight line. Work your
way around the head in this manner, from back to fronton each